69 美元41个插件的黑五捆绑包
推出价值 69 美元的独家黑色星期五捆绑包,这是精心策划的49 个尖端音频插件、样本和预设包的集合,总价值超过 2200 美元,旨在提升您的音乐制作体验。
无论您是想添加丰富的纹理、创建复杂的节奏还是实现专业品质的混音,这个独家捆绑包都能满足您的需求。从多功能乐器和环境混响到基本工具包,这个全面的集合使您能够探索新的声音景观并创作出脱颖而出的音乐。不要错过释放您的创意潜力的机会 – 立即购买此捆绑包并改变您的制作工作流程!
Tuned Plugins Vocal Chain调整插件人声链

隆重推出 Tuned Plugins 的 Vocal Chain,这是将您的声乐轨道转变为精美、专业表演的必备工具。作为广受好评的 Tuned Vocal Bundle 的一部分,Vocal Chain 可以无缝集成到您的工作流程中,提供一套专为声音处理而设计的功能。
Features 特征
- 适合人声的 EQ
- 一键简单压缩
- 一键简单饱和度
- 混合旋钮
- 过采样
BEATSURFING LunchTable – 1 美元的 Pen Tapping 插件

LunchTable是一款由Fki 1$t(Post Malone和Migos的制作人)和BEATSURFING开发的敲笔声音插件。它包含 4,400 多种精心录制的来自钢笔、铅笔、硬币等的声音,所有声音均以速度灵敏度捕捉,以实现真实感。用户可以使用其广泛的乐器和预设来尝试不同的敲击和节拍,并通过近距离和室内麦克风控制混响和均衡器。
Features 特征
- 4400+ 采样
- 速度感应,带来真实、有机的感觉
- 冲击和身体的独立速度控制
- 丰富的声音变化确保真实性
- 116 个预载槽或轻松导入 MIDI 剪辑
- 12 个一次性打击垫,可使用任何控制器进行手指击鼓
- 多样化的声音:桌子、笔、角落和许多独特的表面
- 近距离和室内麦克风可定制混响
- 内置均衡器可改善声音
- 广泛的乐器和预设选择
- 每个声音类别的多重输出(底鼓、军鼓、踩镲、打击乐)
Diginoiz SubDivine

你最喜欢的深沉温暖的低音乐器和 808
对于需要坚固的 808 风格贝斯的制作人来说,Subdivine 是一款必备贝斯乐器,适合 Trap、Hip-Hop、R&B 和 Pop 等流派。这个可播放的库结合了一流的模拟和数字低音样本,分为两个预设组:模拟(来自经典合成器)和数字(来自数字乐器),每个组都具有独特的声音塑造选项,例如 ADSR 和 Drive。驱动器功能提供七种类型的失真,模拟高质量的模拟和数字硬件,从暖色调到强烈的下降。
Features 特征
- 非常适合 Trap、Hip-Hop、R&B、Future R&B 和 Soul
- 7种失真类型
- 模拟和数字预设
混合滤波器是一款专为现代音乐制作人设计的多功能过滤工具,提供 50 多种滤波器类型,包括变形、共振峰、梳状和移相器模式。它具有低频分频功能,可保护低音,允许进行创造性实验,而不会失去低频稳定性。通过集成调制,制作人可以使用内置包络跟随器来调制变形和截止控制来制作独特的自动滤镜效果。
Features 特征
- 50 多种过滤器类型
- 低交叉
- 立体声分离
- Envelope 跟随器
- 调谐截止
- 放大器调制
- 软削波限制器

ANIMATE 是一款动态多效果插件,旨在为您的混音带来活力和清晰度。它具有四种不同的模式——扩展、冲击、点燃和增长——提供了多种声音塑造选项。每种模式都有自己的频率控制和中/侧功能,可进行精确调整。Expand 通过将音量增加到设定阈值以上来增强动态;Punch 增强瞬态以增加冲击力;Ignite 引入了谐波失真,带来温暖和响度;Grow 利用心理声学效应来动态扩大特定频率。
Features 特征
- 4 种自定义效果模式
- 频率特定控制
- 中/侧功能
- 动态扩展(扩展模式)
- 瞬态增强(打孔模式)
- 谐波失真(点火模式)
- 宽度扩展(增长模式)
- 模块化灵活性
Audiomodern Riffer

Riffer 是一款功能强大的 MIDI 音序器,旨在为软件和硬件生成无尽的、独特的音乐连复段和序列。它具有音高、持续时间、速度和密度选项,提供了一种高度可定制的方法来创建动态连复段。Riffer 包括 50 多个音阶、先进的 MIDI 连接性和用于持续灵感的无限模式。Riffer 非常适合寻求快速、原创想法的音乐家,它可以适应您的 MIDI 设置并轻松与任何 DAW 同步。
Features 特征
- MIDI生成
- 无限模式
- 高级 MIDI 支持
- 50+ 音阶
- 模式控制
- MIDI 导出和移调
- 复调模式和多 Riff 引擎
- MIDI CC 映射
Capsule 音频霓虹灯

Neon 从复古合成器的永恒声音中汲取灵感,进入了合成器浪潮、新浪潮、工业电子乐和前卫流行音乐的标志性领域。构建铜管乐和弦、起伏的低音线和液体般的打击垫;然后将合成器驱动的声音与合唱、镶边和延迟叠加起来,让宽阔的荧光灯淹没您的音乐。准备好使用 64 个预设来照亮您的曲目,这些预设是为富有表现力而定制的。
Features 特征
- 受到经典synth-wave, new wave, and industrial electronica sounds启发
- 多功能声音调色板
- 通过合唱、镶边和延迟效果增加深度
- 64 个富有表现力的预设
- 非常适合为曲目添加明亮的复古未来主义氛围
Kiive Audio Distinct! Kiive

清楚的!是一款独特的失真插件,灵感来自 Overstayer: Modular Channel 的谐波饱和度。它提供了丰富、多功能的饱和度和失真选项,允许用户在鼓、人声、贝斯和合成器上添加从温暖、微妙的和声到激进、模糊的纹理等任何内容。清楚的!包括三种不同的饱和模式(奇数、偶数和数字),可实现各种音调效果,以及可自定义的均衡器和过滤功能,可在失真发生之前塑造其特征。
Features 特征
- 三种失真模式
- 七个控制旋钮,用于微调失真和饱和度(失真、高频、低频、HPF、SAT、输入、输出)
- 预失真塑形
- 附加饱和度 (SAT)
- 非常适合鼓和人声的微妙饱和或低音和合成器的强烈失真
BeatSkillz Ramp BeatSkillz 斜坡

Ramp 是一个音量塑造插件,可以轻松为和弦、贝斯和节拍创建有节奏的音量曲线或“闪避”效果。通过简单的控制和音乐预设,Ramp 允许用户将音量斜坡与节奏同步、调整启动和释放曲线以及过滤特定的频率范围,使其成为 Lo-fi、house 和 EDM 等流派的理想选择。
Features 特征
- 速度同步音量曲线
- 起势和释放偏差
- 可调角度
- 频段控制
- 深度和增益控制
- 实时视觉反馈
Tone Empire Black Q v3

Black Q V3 是 Tone Empire 模拟风格 EQ 插件的最新版本,现在具有重叠频段、扩展频率范围和 8 倍过采样选项,以提高模拟真实性。Black Q V3 以精心制作的老式电子管均衡器为蓝本,提供两种不同的音调选项:A 型提供丰富、醇厚的声音和强劲的低频,B 型提供增强、清脆的中频和高频。
- 高达 8 倍的过采样,可提供类似模拟的音质
- A 型声音温暖、饱满,B 型声音清脆、中/高焦点
- 新频段实现更灵活的均衡
- 非常适合跟踪和混合多个实例
- 受到带有电子管和变压器建模的定制“黄金单元”的启发
ZAK Sound Endless Clouds 2

Endless Clouds 2 是一款功能强大的氛围乐器,专为创建沉浸式环境垫而设计。该插件具有 138 个图层,允许用户制作各种空灵到强烈的音调。新的双层引擎可让您混合这些层,而中央滑块则提供直观的音量控制。随机发生器功能可生成独特的打击垫组合,以进行创造性探索。Endless Clouds 2 还包括饱和度、滤波器、合唱、混响、延迟和多点图形均衡器等效果模块,以及用于高级声音整形的 XY 滤波器垫。
Features 特征
- Dual-Layer Engine 双层引擎
- Volume Control Slider 音量控制滑块
- Randomizer Function 随机发生器功能
- Comprehensive FX Modules 全面的外汇模块
- Multi-Point Graphic Equalizer
多点图形均衡器 - ADSR Controls ADSR 控制
- XY Filter Pads XY 过滤垫
Klevgrand Kuvert 克莱夫大库维特

Kuvert defines a whole new way of dealing with effects. In short, Kuvert allows you to draw five different envelopes. These envelopes control different effect parameters and can be drawn freely or onto a grid. The envelopes are looped, while the incoming audio isn’t (unless you’re feeding it looped material of course).
Kuvert 定义了一种处理效果的全新方法。简而言之,Kuvert 允许您绘制五个不同的信封。这些包络控制不同的效果参数,并且可以自由绘制或绘制到网格上。包络是循环的,而传入的音频不是循环的(当然,除非您向其提供循环材料)。
Features 特征
- Volume envelope 音量包络线
- Low cut & High cut filter envelope (with resonance)
低切和高切滤波器包络(带共振) - Glitch envelope (alters timing)
毛刺包络(改变时序) - Delay send envelope (with tempo synchronized time, filter and feedback
Sampleson Wursy 萨普森·伍尔西

Synthesized Reed Electric Piano合成簧片电钢琴
Before samplers, before huge computers, emulations were made with old and good synthesis. Wursy is the recreation of (what we think) the best way to achieve a Reed Electric Piano via synthesis. The result? A super-expressive electric piano. With tons of harmonics and variations over the octaves, and a NON-STATIC sound. Wursy has a tremolo with intensity and frequency modulators and a reverb FX.
在采样器出现之前,在大型计算机出现之前,模拟是通过古老而良好的合成来进行的。Wursy 是(我们认为的)通过合成实现 Reed 电钢琴的最佳方式的再创造。结果呢?一款表现力超强的电钢琴。具有大量的谐波和八度音阶的变化,以及非静态的声音。Wursy 具有带强度和频率调制器的颤音以及混响 FX。
Features 特征
- Authentic recreation of a Reed Electric Piano using synthesis techniques
使用合成技术真实再现 Reed 电钢琴 - Offers a dynamic and non-static sound with rich harmonics and octave variations
提供具有丰富谐波和八度变化的动态和非静态声音 - Features intensity and frequency modulation for added depth
具有强度和频率调制功能,可增加深度 - Includes reverb FX for enhanced spatial quality
包括用于增强空间质量的混响 FX
Lese Strum 莱斯·斯特鲁姆

Strum is an intuitive multiband delay. Designed to make spectral delays easier to use, Strum splits your signal evenly and cleanly into a bunch of different bands, and then allows you to control the delay time & feedback of each band. Strum can work either in “free” or “sync” mode, where in “sync” mode each individual band’s delay time is synchronized to the tempo & time signature of your DAW, allowing for rhythmically-aware strumming. Additionally, Strum provides a modulation panel for a bit more control of the delay times, allowing you to switch between “flutter” and “random” modes.
Strum 是一种直观的多频段延迟。Strum 旨在使频谱延迟更易于使用,它将您的信号均匀、干净地分成一堆不同的频段,然后允许您控制每个频段的延迟时间和反馈。Strum 可以在“自由”或“同步”模式下工作,在“同步”模式下,每个单独乐队的延迟时间都会与 DAW 的速度和拍号同步,从而实现节奏感知的扫弦。此外,Strum 还提供了一个调制面板,可以更好地控制延迟时间,允许您在“颤动”和“随机”模式之间切换。
Features 特征
- Modulation Skew: Strum allows you to “skew” (or bias) the modulation based on frequency.
调制偏斜: Strum 允许您根据频率“偏斜”(或偏置)调制。 - Factor Band Control: System where points are adjusted similarly to how an EQ would be adjusted, giving you comprehensive control over the frequency range.
因子频段控制:系统中点的调整方式与 EQ 的调整方式类似,让您可以全面控制频率范围。 - Dynamic Crossover: Strum’s multi-crossover system makes use of a proprietary filter bank which has both a flat frequency and phase response.
动态分频: Strum 的多分频系统利用专有的滤波器组,该滤波器组具有平坦的频率和相位响应。 - Overlay Adjustment: Just in case the overlay that changes as the delay time & feedback are changed seems a bit too much to look at, you can go into the menu (by clicking the Lese logo) and disable it.
叠加调整:以防万一随着延迟时间和反馈的变化而变化的叠加看起来有点难以查看,您可以进入菜单(通过单击 Lese 徽标)并将其禁用。
Inphonik RX950 Classic AD/DA ConverterInphonik RX950 经典 AD/DA 转换器

Meet the RX950 Classic AD/DA Converter, Inphonik’s first effect plug-in, designed to perfectly mimic the whole AD/DA conversion process of the Akai S950 in order to give your music this vintage, warm and crunchy sound with the ease & flexibility of a VST.
来认识一下 RX950 Classic AD/DA Converter,它是 Inphonik 的首款效果插件,旨在完美模仿 Akai S950 的整个 AD/DA 转换过程,以便为您的音乐提供复古、温暖和清脆的声音,并轻松灵活地一个VST。
Features 特征
- Authentic recreation of the iconic S950 sound
真实再现标志性 S950 声音 - Perfectly models the S950’s audio signal path
完美模拟 S950 的音频信号路径 - Control sampling frequency with subtle aliasing effects
通过微妙的混叠效应控制采样频率 - Original filter for smooth sound shaping
原始滤波器可实现平滑的声音塑造 - Adjust high-frequency response for enhanced clarity
Sonnox VoxDoubler Sonnox Vox倍增器

VoxDoubler is a unique vocal processing plugin that offers two dedicated modes for enhancing vocal performances through doubling. Recognizing the vital role of vocal tracks in music, VoxDoubler allows you to achieve natural-sounding doubles without needing to record extra takes or spend time manipulating pitch and timing in external editors. Its intuitive design provides real-time processing, delivering lifelike results that seamlessly integrate with your mix.
VoxDoubler 是一款独特的人声处理插件,提供两种专用模式,通过加倍增强人声表演。认识到人声轨道在音乐中的重要作用,VoxDoubler 可以让您实现听起来自然的双音,而无需录制额外的片段或花时间在外部编辑器中操纵音高和时间。其直观的设计提供实时处理,提供与您的混音无缝集成的逼真效果。
Features 特征
- Two Modes: Widen and Thicken for versatile vocal enhancement
两种模式:加宽和加厚,实现多功能声音增强 - Natural Sounding Doubles: Achieves believable doubles without extra recordings
自然的双打:无需额外录音即可实现可信的双打 - Real-Time Processing: Instant results to streamline your workflow
实时处理:即时结果以简化您的工作流程 - Widening Feature: Creates two new mono voices, perfect for enhancing mono performances
加宽功能:创建两种新的单声道声音,非常适合增强单声道性能 - Thickening Feature: Generates a stereo doubled voice to emulate multiple takes
Surreal Machines Diffuse 超现实机器弥漫

Diffuse is an analog/digital hybrid – an analog-modelled delay fused with a classic reverb design used in early digital units. In Diffuse you get more than the best of both worlds – you can morph between delays and reverbs, and find all kinds of fantastical sounds in between the two. You’ll also find plenty of nonlinearities and smooth tape-style delay changes. Diffuse gives you complete control over smearing, echoes and damping in the most intuitive ways possible.
Diffuse 是一种模拟/数字混合 – 模拟模型延迟与早期数字设备中使用的经典混响设计相融合。在 Diffuse 中,您可以获得两全其美的效果 – 您可以在延迟和混响之间进行变形,并在两者之间找到各种奇妙的声音。您还会发现大量的非线性和平滑的磁带式延迟变化。漫反射让您能够以最直观的方式完全控制拖尾、回声和阻尼。
Features 特征
- Analog/Digital Hybrid: Combines analog-modeled delay with classic digital reverb design
模拟/数字混合:将模拟建模延迟与经典数字混响设计相结合 - Morphing Capabilities: Seamlessly transition between delay and reverb for unique soundscapes
变形功能:在延迟和混响之间无缝过渡,以获得独特的音景 - Fantastical Sound Design: Explore a wide range of creative sonic possibilities
梦幻般的声音设计:探索各种创造性的声音可能性 - Nonlinearities: Features smooth tape-style delay changes for added character
Aberrant DSP Tectonic 异常的 DSP 构造

Tectonic is a multi-band toneshaping channel strip. Combining equalization, imaging, and dynamics processing, Tectonic is a complete sonic toolkit for anything from subtle sweetening to total tonal transformation.
Tectonic 是一个多频段音色塑造通道条。Tectonic 结合了均衡、成像和动态处理,是一个完整的声音工具包,适用于从微妙的甜味到整体音调转换的任何内容。
Features 特征
- 4 bands of upward / downward compression
4 个向上/向下压缩带 - Selectable transition frequency between each set of adjacent bands
每组相邻频段之间可选择的过渡频率 - Per band Mute, Solo, and processing Bypass
每频段静音、独奏和处理旁路 - Mid / Side panner per band, allowing independent stereo narrowing and widening of each frequency range
每个频段的中/侧声相器,允许独立的立体声缩小和扩大每个频率范围 - Six style selections to adjust the feel and intensity of the dynamics processing
Synchro Arts RePitch ElementsSynchro Arts RePitch 元素

RePitch Elements is designed to achieve perfectly tuned vocals without sacrificing the natural feel of the performance. Utilizing advanced musical note detection technology, it provides instant pitch correction while offering a suite of manual editing tools for precise adjustments. Developed with input from Grammy-winning producers and engineers, RePitch Elements makes vocal tuning faster, easier, and more transparent than ever. With features like enhanced pitch analysis, scale detection, and full ARA2 integration, users can expect a seamless workflow that minimizes the time spent on vocal tuning.
RePitch Elements 旨在实现完美调音的人声,同时又不牺牲表演的自然感。利用先进的音符检测技术,它提供即时音高校正,同时提供一套用于精确调整的手动编辑工具。RePitch Elements 是根据格莱美获奖制作人和工程师的意见开发的,使人声调音比以往更快、更容易、更透明。凭借增强的音高分析、音阶检测和完整的 ARA2 集成等功能,用户可以获得无缝的工作流程,最大限度地减少在声音调音上花费的时间。
Features 特征
- Advanced Pitch Correction: Instantly corrects pitch while maintaining the natural quality of vocals.
高级音高校正:立即校正音高,同时保持人声的自然质量。 - Enhanced Musical Pitch Analysis: Identifies notes based on human pitch perception for natural-sounding edits.
增强的音乐音高分析:根据人类音高感知识别音符,以进行自然的编辑。 - Intuitive Tuning Tools: Offers basic editing tools for fine-tuning pitch, vibrato, and more.
直观的调音工具:提供基本的编辑工具,用于微调音高、颤音等。 - Scale Detection: Analyzes pitches to suggest the most likely scale for easier tuning.
音阶检测:分析音高以建议最可能的音阶,以便于调音。 - Macros for Quick Corrections: Simplifies pitch correction with easy-to-use macros for rapid adjustments.
用于快速校正的宏:通过易于使用的宏来简化音高校正,以进行快速调整。 - Full ARA2 Integration: Enables real-time audio capture and seamless interaction with compatible DAWs.
完整的 ARA2 集成:实现实时音频捕获并与兼容的 DAW 无缝交互。
Pitch Innovations Rhythm Box音调创新节奏盒

Rhythm Box is the essential laptop rhythm sequencer designed to enhance your musical typing experience. Perfect for producers on the go, it allows you to skip the tedious process of drawing in patterns on a piano roll. With Rhythm Box, you can instantly perform striking rhythms using just your laptop keyboard, unleashing your creativity without the hassle. Featuring expertly crafted presets for various genres, this sequencer enables you to achieve natural and expressive beats. The built-in sampler offers a selection of high-quality kits, making it easy to produce mix-ready rhythms and seamlessly host your favorite synth or sampler instruments.
Rhythm Box 是一款必备的笔记本电脑节奏音序器,旨在增强您的音乐打字体验。它非常适合忙碌的制作人,它可以让您跳过在钢琴卷轴上绘制图案的繁琐过程。借助 Rhythm Box,您只需使用笔记本电脑键盘即可立即演奏出惊人的节奏,轻松释放您的创造力。该音序器具有针对各种流派精心制作的预设,使您能够实现自然且富有表现力的节拍。内置采样器提供了一系列高品质套件,可以轻松制作混音节奏并无缝托管您最喜爱的合成器或采样器乐器。
Features 特征
- Instant Rhythm Performance: Use your laptop keyboard to perform rhythms effortlessly without drawing in patterns.
即时节奏演奏:使用笔记本电脑键盘轻松演奏节奏,无需绘制模式。 - Expertly Crafted Presets: Access a variety of pre-sequenced patterns across genres for natural, expressive beats.
精心制作的预设:访问跨流派的各种预先排序的模式,以获得自然、富有表现力的节拍。 - Built-In Sampler: Choose from sampled kits like Trap, Bongo, Conga, and Shakers to create rhythms quickly.
内置采样器:从 Trap、Bongo、Conga 和 Shakers 等采样套件中进行选择,以快速创建节奏。 - Seamless Instrument Hosting: Easily integrate your favorite synth or sampler instruments for added versatility.
MNTRA Instruments Orakle MNTRA 仪器 Orakle

Orakle draws inspiration from desolate landscapes and ancient aesthetics, melding arcane instruments and techniques from medieval, Nordic, and pan-Asian musical cultures. This curated suite includes strings, percussion, and voices, all designed to forge a vast and unique cinematic soundscape, enhanced by the multidimensional Sound Sculpture audio engine, MNDALA 2. Performed by award-winning multi-instrumentalist composer Brian D’Oliveira, Orakle showcases Medieval and Eastern-inspired performance methods, as well as unconventional extended techniques, ensuring that each note represents a distinctive performance. With powerful Tibetan Horns, Giant Concert Bass Drums, and the haunting sounds of the Turkish Kabak Kemane, Orakle creates an evocative and dark atmosphere, inviting users to explore countless sonic pathways in their sound design.
Orakle 从荒凉的风景和古代美学中汲取灵感,融合了中世纪、北欧和泛亚洲音乐文化的神秘乐器和技术。这个精心策划的套件包括弦乐、打击乐和人声,所有这些都旨在打造广阔而独特的电影音景,并通过多维 Sound Sculpture 音频引擎 MNDALA 2 进行增强。由屡获殊荣的多乐器作曲家 Brian D’Oliveira 演奏,Orakle 展示了中世纪和东方风格的演奏方法,以及非常规的扩展技巧,确保每个音符都代表着独特的演奏。凭借强大的西藏号、巨大的音乐会低音鼓和土耳其 Kabak Kemane 的令人难忘的声音,Orakle 营造出一种令人回味的黑暗氛围,邀请用户在声音设计中探索无数的声音路径。
Features 特征
- 31 Sample Maps 31 示例地图
- 46 Presets 46 个预设
- Up to 59 Round Robins
最多 59 轮循环赛
AAS Ultra Analog Session AAS 超模拟会议

Ultra Analog Session offers big sounds in a compact package, providing an enjoyable and expressive playing experience. This synth is packed with a superb sound library featuring signature presets from renowned producers Richard Devine and Sean Divine. Its versatile arpeggiator enhances chord progressions with various syncing resolutions, algorithms, and rhythmic patterns. Ultra Analog Session easily adapts to your playing style with features like tap tempo, poly- or monophonic modes, up-to-4-voice unison, and built-in effects to enhance its raw sound.
Ultra Analog Session 在紧凑的封装中提供宏大的声音,提供愉快且富有表现力的演奏体验。该合成器充满了一流的声音库,其中包含著名制作人 Richard Devine 和 Sean divine 的签名预设。其多功能琶音器通过各种同步分辨率、算法和节奏模式增强和弦进行。Ultra Analog Session 可轻松适应您的演奏风格,其功能包括敲击速度、复音或单声道模式、最多 4 个声音齐声以及增强其原始声音的内置效果。
Features 特征
- Signature Sounds: A rich library with presets from Richard Devine and Sean Divine.
标志性声音:丰富的音色库,包含 Richard Devine 和 Sean divine 的预设。 - Arpeggiator: Multiple syncing resolutions and rhythmic patterns for dynamic melodies.
琶音器:动态旋律的多种同步分辨率和节奏模式。 - Performance Flexibility: Tap tempo, poly/mono modes, up-to-4-voice unison, glide, and legato.
性能灵活性:敲击速度、复音/单声道模式、最多 4 个声音齐奏、滑音和连奏。 - Built-In Effects: Enhance your sound with various effects.
Denise Audio Noize 2 丹尼斯音频噪音 2

Denise Audio has taken noise generation to the next level with the introduction of Noize 2.0, an adaptive plugin designed to enhance and flavor tracks like never before. Noise serves as a secret weapon for professional producers, adding natural character to digital samples, grit and power to bass synths, and sustain to drums and beats. Building on the success of the original Noize, this updated version features three new noise types and the ability to load and edit custom noise profiles.
Denise Audio 推出了 Noize 2.0,将噪音生成提升到了一个新的水平,Noize 2.0 是一款自适应插件,旨在以前所未有的方式增强和调味曲目。噪音是专业制作人的秘密武器,为数字样本添加自然特征,为低音合成器添加沙砾和力量,并为鼓和节拍添加延音。在原始 Noize 的成功基础上,此更新版本具有三种新的噪声类型以及加载和编辑自定义噪声配置文件的能力。
Features 特征
- 8 Built-in Noise Types – Choose between eight types of noise and apply additional filtering.
8 种内置噪声类型 – 在八种噪声类型之间进行选择并应用额外的过滤。 - Load & Edit Your Own Samples – Load your own sounds and apply filters and pitch control embedded in the sample editor window.
加载和编辑您自己的样本 – 加载您自己的声音并应用样本编辑器窗口中嵌入的滤波器和音调控制。 - Real-time Adaptive – Generate noise that adapts to the volume of your track, in real-time.
实时自适应 – 实时生成适应曲目音量的噪音。 - Solo Mode – Isolate the noise signal and apply additional effects.
独奏模式 – 隔离噪声信号并应用附加效果。
510k SEQUND Lite 510k SEUND 精简版

Introducing SEQUND Lite, a streamlined version of 510k’s flagship sequencer plug-in for macOS and Windows. Designed for all major DAWs, it retains essential features like Gate, Hold, Pitch, Velocity, CC Lanes, and Scale Quantization, providing an accessible entry point into polyrhythmic sequencing. Each lane has independent lengths for crafting complex rhythms, while an intuitive interface allows for easy creation of bass lines and melodies. Users can instantly recall up to 12 patterns via MIDI notes and utilize a Transpose function for key adjustments. Enhanced randomization and step lock features streamline sequence generation, complemented by new presets from renowned artists like Boris Werner and DJ Bone.
隆重推出 SEQUND Lite,这是适用于 macOS 和 Windows 的 510k 旗舰音序器插件的简化版本。它专为所有主要 DAW 设计,保留了 Gate、Hold、Pitch、Velocity、CC Lanes 和 Scale Quantization 等基本功能,为多节奏音序提供了一个易于访问的入口点。每个通道都有独立的长度,可以制作复杂的节奏,而直观的界面可以轻松创建低音线和旋律。用户可以通过 MIDI 音符立即调用多达 12 个模式,并利用移调功能进行按键调整。增强的随机化和步进锁定功能简化了序列生成,并辅以 Boris Werner 和 DJ Bone 等著名艺术家的新预设。
Features 特征
- Core features: Gate, Hold, Pitch, Velocity, CC Lanes, Scale Quantization.
核心功能:门控、保持、音高、速度、CC 通道、音阶量化。 - Independent lane lengths for complex rhythms.
独立的车道长度适合复杂的节奏。 - Intuitive interface for easy creation of melodies and bass lines.
直观的界面可轻松创建旋律和低音线。 - Instant recall of up to 12 user presets via MIDI notes.
通过 MIDI 音符即时调用多达 12 个用户预设。 - Transpose function for melody adjustments.
用于旋律调整的移调功能。 - Enhanced randomization and step lock features.
Karanyi Sounds Vapor KeysKaranyi 声音蒸气键

Vapor Keys brings the iconic sounds of the 90s into the modern era, allowing users to design classic and contemporary FM synths with ease. This instrument features a blend of custom electric pianos and diverse synth sounds, resulting in bold and unique tones derived from 23 accurately sampled FM and wavetable synth patches. The Enhanced Edition boasts improved performance, an intuitive interface, and Karanyi’s latest effect modules, including the Ethos reverb and the Dimension MK2 DSP effect.
Vapor Keys 将 90 年代的标志性声音带入现代,让用户可以轻松设计经典和现代的 FM 合成器。该乐器融合了定制电钢琴和各种合成器声音,从 23 个精确采样的 FM 和波表合成器音色中产生大胆而独特的音色。增强版拥有改进的性能、直观的界面和 Karanyi 的最新效果模块,包括 Ethos 混响和 Dimension MK2 DSP 效果。
Features 特征
- 40+ Factory Presets: Studio-grade sounds from legendary instruments.
40 多个工厂预设:来自传奇乐器的工作室级声音。 - 3 Sound Layers: Enhanced sound design through a powerful 2+1 layer synth engine.
3 个声音层:通过强大的 2+1 层合成引擎增强声音设计。 - Streamlined Controls: All MIDI-learnable, including Volume ADSR and sound layer controls.
简化的控制:所有 MIDI 可学习,包括音量 ADSR 和声音层控制。 - Effect Rack:
效果架:- Dimension MK2: 19 DSP algorithms for sound transformation.
Dimension MK2 :19 种用于声音转换的 DSP 算法。 - Ethos Reverb: 24 lush algorithms for cinematic and ambient sounds.
Ethos Reverb :24 种丰富的电影和环境声音算法。
- Dimension MK2: 19 DSP algorithms for sound transformation.
- Smart Randomizer: Generates unique sounds by randomizing instrument sources, sound controls, and effects.
Baby Audio Parallel Aggressor婴儿音频并行攻击者

Parallel Aggressor revolutionizes parallel processing to achieve a “big” mix sound by blending multiple copies of the same track, allowing you to add punch in a natural way. This plugin divides your audio into three distinct parts: the original signal (Dry), a heavily compressed duplicate (Spank), and a heavily saturated duplicate (Heat). By working these duplicates hard and mixing them together, you can maximize the sonic potential of your track without cluttering your mix with extra busses. Designed with simplicity in mind, Parallel Aggressor injects its own sonic flavor while keeping you in control of the creative process.
Parallel Aggressor 彻底改变了并行处理,通过混合同一曲目的多个副本来实现“大”混音,让您以自然的方式添加冲击力。该插件将您的音频分为三个不同的部分:原始信号(干)、严重压缩的副本(Spank)和严重饱和的副本(热)。通过努力处理这些重复项并将它们混合在一起,您可以最大限度地发挥曲目的声音潜力,而不会因额外的总线而使混音变得混乱。Parallel Aggressor 的设计考虑到了简单性,它注入了自己的声音风格,同时让您掌控创作过程。
Features 特征
- Three Signal Processing: Dry, Spank (compressed), and Heat (saturated).
三种信号处理:干燥、打屁股(压缩)和加热(饱和)。 - Punchy Compression & Saturation: Customizable algorithms with style buttons for enhanced tonal control.
有力的压缩和饱和度:带有样式按钮的可定制算法,可增强音调控制。 - Auto Gain: Keeps output levels consistent while experimenting with mixes.
自动增益:在尝试混音时保持输出电平一致。 - Improved Heat algorithm and filters for warmth and low-end preservation.
改进了热算法和过滤器,以实现保暖和低端保存。 - Enhanced Spank modes and general bug fixes for better performance.
增强的 Spank 模式和一般错误修复,以获得更好的性能。
Hertz Instruments Gainstage Pro赫兹仪器 Gainstage Pro

GainStage Pro simplifies the process of setting recording levels in your DAW. No more guessing if your signal is too high or too low! This intuitive plugin analyzes your audio signal and provides clear, graphical feedback, allowing you to adjust your preamp gain accordingly. Just insert GainStage Pro on your recording track, and you’ll have the confidence to achieve the perfect recording levels in any modern DAW.
GainStage Pro 简化了在 DAW 中设置录音电平的过程。无需再猜测信号是否太高或太低!这个直观的插件分析您的音频信号并提供清晰的图形反馈,使您能够相应地调整前置放大器增益。只需将 GainStage Pro 插入您的录音轨道,您就有信心在任何现代 DAW 中实现完美的录音电平。
Features 特征
- Intuitive Signal Analysis: Clear visual feedback for optimal recording levels.
直观的信号分析:清晰的视觉反馈以获得最佳的录音水平。 - User-Friendly Interface: Easily determine if your signal is too hot, too cold, or just right.
用户友好的界面:轻松确定您的信号是否太热、太冷或恰到好处。 - Universal Compatibility: Works with all major DAWs, including FL Studio, Ableton, Pro Tools, Cubase, Reaper, and Logic Pro.
通用兼容性:适用于所有主要 DAW,包括 FL Studio、Ableton、Pro Tools、Cubase、Reaper 和 Logic Pro。
Audiority Pre X7

Pre X7 is an analog modelled preamplifier based on an iconic vintage tube unit primarily designed for bass guitar and that we modified to make it work with several audio sources.
Pre X7 是一款模拟建模前置放大器,基于主要为低音吉他设计的标志性复古电子管单元,我们对其进行了修改,使其可与多种音频源配合使用。
Both input and output 12AX7 tube models are calculated in real-time, bringing you all the subtle non-linearities that will make each instance of this plugin unique without phase issues. A high-pass filter followed by a Tone control lets you shape the input signal before the output tubes.
输入和输出 12AX7 管模型都是实时计算的,为您带来所有微妙的非线性,这将使该插件的每个实例都是独一无二的,没有相位问题。高通滤波器后跟音调控制可让您在输出管之前对输入信号进行整形。
Features 特征
- Real-time 12AX7 tube models
实时 12AX7 电子管模型 - 4 steps Low Cut (pre or post input tube)
4 级低切(输入管前或后) - Input/Output Linking 输入/输出链接
- Baxandall tone control Baxandall 音调控制
- Boost, Pad and Phase switches
Boost、Pad 和 Phase 开关 - Brickwall clipping limiter
Iceberg Audio Beatgrader Iceberg 音频 Beatgrader

Beatgrader is modelled on the techniques being used by beatmakers to create lo-fi, underwater and distorted low ends. We’ve also added saturation to that process which allows you to add more weight. Simply select a resampling frequency button and apply saturation. Select a resample rate to quickly remove high-end detail. Beatgrader’s algorithm models off-line resampling techniques to deliver a unique lo-fi, underwater sound in real-time. Includes a saturation control to add weight.
Beatgrader 以 Beatmakers 用于创建低保真、水下和扭曲低频的技术为蓝本。我们还在该过程中添加了饱和度,使您可以增加更多重量。只需选择重采样频率按钮并应用饱和度即可。选择重采样率以快速删除高端细节。Beatgrader 的算法对离线重采样技术进行建模,以实时提供独特的低保真水下声音。包括饱和度控制以增加重量。
Features 特征
- Super-Low Latency. 超低延迟。
- Saturation Control 饱和度控制
- Intel and M1 Apple Silicon Native Supported.
支持 Intel 和 M1 Apple Silicon。
Producertech Music Mixing FundamentalsProducertech 音乐混合基础知识

Careful sound selection and arrangement are crucial for track quality, but effective mixing can make or break a project.
This detailed course guides you through the entire mixing process, explaining key principles clearly. You’ll learn about level balancing, including terms like ‘clipping’ and ‘headroom,’ and explore different mixing approaches, such as mixing in mono. Key audio effects like compression and EQ are covered, providing foundational knowledge and practical application examples. The course also dives into stereo width and reverb techniques, using tools like Imager 2 to visualize sound placement. Master channel processing is tackled last, focusing on compression and EQ techniques. With nearly 5 hours of tutorials and supporting materials, including Ableton Live projects, this course is designed to elevate your mixing skills.
这个详细的课程将指导您完成整个混合过程,清楚地解释关键原理。您将了解电平平衡,包括“削波”和“余量”等术语,并探索不同的混音方法,例如单声道混音。涵盖了压缩和均衡器等关键音频效果,提供基础知识和实际应用示例。该课程还深入探讨立体声宽度和混响技术,使用 Imager 2 等工具来可视化声音位置。最后处理主通道处理,重点是压缩和均衡器技术。本课程提供近 5 小时的教程和支持材料,包括 Ableton Live 项目,旨在提高您的混音技能。
Features 特征
- Nearly 5 hours of streamed tutorials.
近 5 小时的直播教程。 - Access 24 / 7 / 365.
访问 24 / 7 / 365。 - Bonus Stems. 奖金茎。
Glitchmachines Cryogen 故障机器冷冻剂

Cryogen is a modular buffer effects processor designed to create abstract musical malfunctions. It features dual buffer effects, multimode filters, and bit crushers, all supported by a flexible drag-and-drop modulation matrix. This allows electronic musicians and sound designers to generate a wide range of effects, from subtle glitches to dramatic signal mutations.
Cryogen 是一种模块化缓冲效果处理器,旨在创建抽象的音乐故障。它具有双缓冲效果、多模式滤波器和位破碎机,所有这些都由灵活的拖放调制矩阵支持。这使得电子音乐家和声音设计师能够产生各种效果,从微妙的故障到戏剧性的信号突变。
With its extensive modulation options and unique routing capabilities, Cryogen takes buffer effects to new heights. Its LFOs include optional 100X rate multipliers, enabling them to function as tone generators. Additionally, Cryogen can modulate nearly every parameter using incoming audio signals, allowing for creative effects that traditional plugins can’t achieve.
凭借其广泛的调制选项和独特的路由功能,Cryogen 将缓冲效果提升到新的高度。其 LFO 包括可选的 100 倍速率乘法器,使它们能够充当音调发生器。此外,Cryogen 可以使用传入的音频信号调制几乎每个参数,从而实现传统插件无法实现的创意效果。
Features 特征
- Dual Buffer & Bit Crusher FX
双缓冲器和 Bit Crusher FX - Dual Multi-Mode Filters 双多模式滤波器
- Drag & Drop Modulation Matrix
拖放调制矩阵 - Extensive Modulation Options
广泛的调制选项 - 140 Factory Presets 140 个工厂预设
UJAM Finisher NEO UJAM 终结者 NEO

Finisher NEO is an innovative audio plugin that combines the versatility of a full rack of processors with UJAM’s signature ease of use. Version 1.1.0 introduces 50 new presets and two new variation knobs, allowing for even greater creative flexibility. With a focus on modern and thrilling audio effects, NEO is designed to inspire musicians and producers without the complexity of traditional plugins.
Finisher NEO 是一款创新的音频插件,它将全机架处理器的多功能性与 UJAM 标志性的易用性结合在一起。1.1.0 版本引入了 50 个新预设和两个新变化旋钮,实现了更大的创作灵活性。NEO 专注于现代且令人兴奋的音频效果,旨在激发音乐家和制作人的灵感,而无需传统插件的复杂性。
Features 特征
- Pro-grade audio effects with 80 presets (including 50 new ones)
专业级音频效果,具有 80 种预设(包括 50 种新预设) - 27 algorithms, from granular pitch to multi-band distortion
27 种算法,从颗粒音调到多频段失真 - 50 multi-effect modes designed by professional sound designers
由专业声音设计师设计的50 种多重效果模式 - Three macro knobs for simple, intuitive control
Audio Blast Blast Delay 音频爆炸爆炸延迟

The Blast Delay features a user-friendly design that allows you to program independent loops of motion sequences for each knob, each with its own speed. This makes it easy to tweak effects during live performances while recalling all sequencer parameters seamlessly. The sequencer synchronizes to the host’s tempo, with each step representing parameter values as a percentage from 0 to 100%, enabling precise control over your delay settings.
Blast Delay 采用用户友好的设计,允许您为每个旋钮编程独立的运动序列循环,每个旋钮都有自己的速度。这使得在现场表演期间可以轻松调整效果,同时无缝调用所有音序器参数。音序器与主机的节奏同步,每一步都以 0 到 100% 的百分比表示参数值,从而能够精确控制延迟设置。
Features 特征
- Dry/Wet: Adjusts balance between processed and dry signals.
干/湿:调整处理信号和干信号之间的平衡。 - Volume: Sets the volume of the processed signal.
音量:设置处理信号的音量。 - Time: Controls delay time in milliseconds or synced from 1 Bar to 1/128.
时间:控制延迟时间(以毫秒为单位)或从 1 Bar 同步到 1/128。 - Feedback: Defines the amount of output signal fed back into the delay input.
反馈:定义反馈到延迟输入的输出信号量。 - Filter: Acts as a low-pass filter or a high-pass filter
滤波器:充当低通滤波器或高通滤波器 - Sync: Syncs delay time to tempo otherwise, uses milliseconds.
同步:将延迟时间同步到节奏,否则使用毫秒。 - Ping Pong: Alternates signal between left and right
Ping Pong :左右交替信号 - Freeze: Loops the delay buffer
冻结:循环延迟缓冲区 - Polarity: Inverts phase by 180°, enhancing low TIME with high feedback.
极性:将相位反转 180°,通过高反馈增强低 TIME。 - Pitch: Causes pitch variation when changing delay time, mimicking tape delay.
音调:更改延迟时间时导致音调变化,模仿磁带延迟。 - Parameter Sequencer: Allows sequencing of all parameters for pre-programmed motion in loops.

IQ Samples are very proud to present a new plugin, Phat Booster. Simple in use, Phat Booster has a modern scalable design with a PHAT sound. Phat Booster is a one-knob plugin with 4 different algorithms to add fatness and power to your sound. Expect to find 4 different Algorithms (modes), Tone Fader, Phase Reverse Button and Pre-Fader Filters (Off / 45 Hz cut / 60 Hz cut). Phat Booster is a powerful tool to add some fatness to basses, synths, drums and even powerful low-end to vocals.
IQ Samples 非常自豪地推出一个新插件 Phat Booster。Phat Booster 使用简单,采用现代可扩展设计,具有 PHAT 声音。Phat Booster 是一款单旋钮插件,具有 4 种不同的算法,可为您的声音增添丰满度和力量。期望找到 4 种不同的算法(模式)、音调推子、相位反转按钮和推子前滤波器(关闭/45 Hz 剪切/60 Hz 剪切)。Phat Booster 是一个强大的工具,可以为贝斯、合成器、鼓甚至强大的低音增加一些丰满度。
Features 特征
- 4 Modes / Algorithms 4 种模式/算法
- Tone Fader 音调推子
- Phase Reverse Button 反相按钮
- Pre-Fader Filters (Off / 45 Hz cut / 60 Hz cut)
推子前滤波器(关闭/45 Hz 截止/60 Hz 截止)
Acon Digital Verberate 2 艾康数字脊椎动物 2

Verberate 2 is an advanced algorithmic reverb plug-in designed to simulate real acoustic environments with remarkable realism. Building on the success of its predecessor, it introduces the new Vivid Hall algorithm, which incorporates time variance to prevent the stiffness often associated with convolution-based reverbs while maintaining the lush reverb tails of Verberate 1. This version accurately models the subtle variations present in real halls, resulting in a more natural and immersive sound.
Verberate 2 是一款先进的算法混响插件,旨在以非凡的真实感模拟真实的声学环境。在其前身的成功基础上,它引入了新的 Vivid Hall 算法,该算法结合了时间方差,以防止通常与基于卷积的混响相关的僵硬,同时保持 Verberate 1 丰富的混响尾音。该版本准确地模拟了真实的大厅,产生更加自然和身临其境的声音。
Features 特征
- Vivid Hall Algorithm: Adds time variance for realistic reverb tails without artifacts.
Vivid Hall 算法:添加时间方差,实现无伪影的真实混响尾音。 - Decay Editor: Allows frequency-dependent reverb time adjustments.
衰减编辑器:允许根据频率调整混响时间。 - Dispersion Parameter: Simulates realistic plate reverb effects by modeling frequency dispersion.
色散参数:通过模拟频率色散来模拟真实的板混响效果。 - Swirl Parameter: Emulates feedback modulation effects found in vintage digital reverbs.
Swirl 参数:模拟老式数字混响中的反馈调制效果。 - 15 Early Reflection Patterns: Real-time calculated patterns for convincing room simulations.
15 种早期反射模式:实时计算的模式,用于令人信服的房间模拟。 - Integrated Output Equalizer: Offers additional control over the final sound.
Plugin Boutique Presets Serum Expansion Pack: Cinematic插件精品预设血清扩展包:电影

Featuring deep, powerful basses, dark, evolving drones, warm, pulsating leads and much more, Cinematic Serum provides an impressive selection of sounds for adding compelling ambience to your music and crafting modern cinematic productions. With this bespoke selection of 64 presets, Cinematic Serum encapsulates Serum’s powerful sound design capabilities, also providing a unique array of FX with meticulously constructed noise layers for cinematic sound design and intricate sonic arrangement.
Cinematic Serum 具有深沉、有力的低音、黑暗、不断变化的低音、温暖、脉动的主音等等,提供了令人印象深刻的声音选择,为您的音乐添加引人注目的氛围并制作现代电影作品。通过 64 个预设的定制选择,Cinematic Serum 封装了 Serum 强大的声音设计功能,还提供了独特的 FX 阵列以及精心构造的噪声层,用于电影声音设计和复杂的声音安排。
Whether you’re creating modern electronic grooves, subtle ambient soundscapes or soaring cinematic scores, add a touch of atmosphere to your productions with Cinematic Serum.
无论您是要创作现代电子节奏、微妙的环境音景还是高涨的电影配乐,都可以使用 Cinematic Serum 为您的作品增添一丝氛围。
Features 特征
- 64 presets for Xfer Records Serum
Xfer Records Serum 的 64 个预设
Excite Audio Lifeline ModExcite 音频生命线模组

Lifeline Mod recreates the warm, nostalgic effects of analogue playback by introducing pitch variations similar to Tape, Vinyl, and Cassette formats. Each mode offers unique characteristics: Tape features subtle speed and depth compensation, Vinyl simulates moderate warping, and Cassette delivers more extreme pitch modulation with independent speed and depth control.
Lifeline Mod 通过引入类似于磁带、黑胶唱片和盒式磁带格式的音调变化,重现了模拟播放的温暖、怀旧效果。每种模式都具有独特的特性:磁带具有微妙的速度和深度补偿,乙烯基模拟适度的扭曲,盒式磁带通过独立的速度和深度控制提供更极端的音调调制。
Features 特征
- 3 Pitch-Modulating Algorithms
3 种音高调制算法 - Speed-Depth Compensation 速度-深度补偿
- Wow and Flutter Control 哇哇和颤动控制
- Dual X/Y Pad Control 双 X/Y 垫控制
- Tempo Sync Functionality 速度同步功能
- Dry/Wet Mix 干/湿混合
- Input/Output Gain Controls
输入/输出增益控制 - Global Bypass 全球绕行
Plugin Boutique ShapeMod 插件精品ShapeMod

ShapeMod is a versatile volume modulation plugin that enables you to achieve modern volume ducking effects effortlessly. With its intuitive envelope design, you can create rhythmic effects, sidechain-style ducking, and intricate movement in your audio tracks.
ShapeMod 是一款多功能音量调制插件,可让您轻松实现现代音量闪避效果。凭借其直观的包络设计,您可以在音轨中创建节奏效果、侧链式闪避和复杂的运动。
Features 特征
- Unlimited nodes for precise volume modulation envelopes
用于精确音量调制包络的无限节点 - Time syncing from 1/32 to 32 bars with various rhythms
时间同步从 1/32 到 32 小节,具有各种节奏 - Spectrum analyzer or moving waveform display
频谱分析仪或移动波形显示 - Unlinked start and end points for envelope control
用于包络控制的未链接的起点和终点 - Flip control to reverse envelope playback
翻转控制以反转包络播放 - Focus ducking effects on specific frequency bands
将闪避效果集中在特定频段 - Smoothing control to eliminate pops and clicks
平滑控制以消除爆音和咔嗒声 - Mid/side balance control for targeted effects
中/侧平衡控制以达到目标效果 - Pulse Width Modulation for an analogue feel
Loopcloud – 1 Month Artist PlanLoopcloud – 1 个月艺术家计划

Loopcloud is an award-winning sound subscription service that offers producers, DJs, and musicians access to a vast library of over 4 million high-quality audio loops, samples, and presets. With powerful DAW integration, Loopcloud empowers you to shape and customize samples, turning inspiration into unique tracks.
Loopcloud 是一项屡获殊荣的声音订阅服务,让制作人、DJ 和音乐家可以访问包含超过 400 万个高质量音频循环、样本和预设的庞大库。凭借强大的 DAW 集成,Loopcloud 使您能够塑造和自定义样本,将灵感转化为独特的曲目。
Features 特征
- 4 Million Sounds: Access the largest and most diverse royalty-free sample library.
400 万种声音:访问最大、最多样化的免版税样本库。 - 100 Monthly Sound Points: Earn points each billing cycle to spend on sounds, presets, and plugin expansions.
每月 100 个声音积分:每个计费周期赚取积分,用于购买声音、预设和插件扩展。 - 1GB Free Samples: Get started with a 1GB Welcome Pack of samples and presets for Loopcloud Drum and Play.
1GB 免费样本:开始使用包含 Loopcloud Drum and Play 样本和预设的 1GB 欢迎包。 - Loopcloud Plugin: Browse and preview samples within your DAW, filtering by instrument, genre, key, BPM, and more.
Loopcloud 插件:在 DAW 中浏览和预览样本,按乐器、流派、调、BPM 等进行过滤。 - Plugin Suite: Create pro-quality beats and melodies with Loopcloud DRUM and PLAY, integrated with your Loopcloud library.
插件套件:使用 Loopcloud DRUM 和 PLAY 创建专业品质的节拍和旋律,并与您的 Loopcloud 库集成。 - 5GB Cloud Storage: Store and access your own samples from anywhere.
5GB 云存储:从任何地方存储和访问您自己的样本。
Hy2rogen Vocal Latin Tech氢人声拉丁科技

Vocal Latin Tech is a 2.40 GB sample pack designed to elevate your tech house productions with vibrant Latin-infused sounds. Inspired by Latin tech artists like Hugel and Andruss, this collection features Spanish vocal stems, including hooks, verses, and adlibs, with over 150 unique vocal elements and kits offering up to 20 loops each. Beyond vocals, it includes stem-loops, one-shots, MIDI files, synth presets, and sampler patches, providing a comprehensive toolkit for creating professional tracks.
Vocal Latin Tech 是一个 2.40 GB 样本包,旨在通过充满活力的拉丁语声音来提升您的 tech house 作品。受到 Hugel 和 Andruss 等拉丁科技艺术家的启发,该合集以西班牙声乐为特色,包括副歌、诗句和即兴表演,拥有超过 150 个独特的声乐元素和套件,每个元素和套件最多可提供 20 个循环。除了人声之外,它还包括主干循环、单次播放、MIDI 文件、合成器预设和采样器补丁,为创建专业曲目提供了一个全面的工具包。
Features 特征
- 2.40 GB of Content: 1,139 total files including 1,092 WAV files, 26 MIDI files, 16 sampler patches, and 5 synth presets.
2.40 GB 内容:总共 1,139 个文件,包括 1,092 个 WAV 文件、26 个 MIDI 文件、16 个采样器音色和 5 个合成器预设。 - 332 Vocal Loops: Verses, choruses, adlibs, and more, available in both dry and wet versions for flexibility.
332 个人声循环:主歌、合唱、即兴演奏等,提供干式和湿式版本,以实现灵活性。 - Extensive Variety: Each kit includes drum loops, fills, bass, and synths, with up to 70 loops per construction kit.
种类繁多:每个套件都包括鼓循环、加花、贝斯和合成器,每个构建套件最多有 70 个循环。 - Bonus Content: 132 raw vocal loops for custom tweaking, plus percussion elements like congas and shakers.
奖励内容: 132 个用于自定义调整的原始声音循环,以及康茄舞和摇床等打击乐元素。 - High-Quality Audio: Files are 24-bit/44.1kHz, labeled by key and tempo (124 – 128 BPM).
高品质音频:文件为 24 位/44.1kHz,按调和速度标记 (124 – 128 BPM)。 - Royalty-Free: All sounds are cleared for use in any project.
5Pin Media House Diva Hooks5 针 Media House Diva 挂钩

Sulene Fleming is a UK-based Soul and House artist with over two decades of experience collaborating with bands like The New Mastersounds and The Brand New Heavies. This collection, crafted in partnership with producer Adam Shaw, offers a range of short vocal phrases and hooks ideal for Classic, Soulful, Deep, and Tech House styles.
Sulene Fleming 是一位英国灵魂音乐和 House 艺术家,拥有二十多年与 The New Mastersounds 和 The Brand New Heavies 等乐队合作的经验。该系列与制作人 Adam Shaw 合作制作,提供一系列短声乐短语和副歌,非常适合经典、深情、深沉和 Tech House 风格。
Features 特征
- 229 Dry Loops: Unprocessed vocal loops perfect for adding effects or remixing.
229 个干循环:未经处理的人声循环,非常适合添加效果或重新混音。 - 4 Processing Options: Includes “Analog Colour,” S950 sampler tones, and warm Tape tones for versatile sound design.
4 种处理选项:包括“模拟色彩”、S950 采样器音调和温暖的磁带音调,可实现多种声音设计。 - 256 Wet Loops: Ready-to-use vocal loops created from the Dry loops for instant creativity.
256 个湿循环:从干循环创建的即用型人声循环,可立即发挥创造力。 - 21 Bonus Adlibs and Shouts: Additional vocal elements for added flair in your tracks.
21 个额外的即兴表演和喊叫:额外的声音元素为您的曲目增添魅力。 - Royalty-Free: All samples can be used in your productions without restrictions (with some credit conditions).
Monster Sounds Daft Funk 4怪物声音愚蠢放克 4

The fourth installment in Monster Sounds’ filter house series, Daft Funk 4, delivers 1.27 GB of infectious beats, funky basslines, Chic-inspired guitars, and vibrant keys for your dance music productions.
Monster Sounds 过滤室系列的第四部分 Daft Funk 4 为您的舞曲音乐作品提供 1.27 GB 的富有感染力的节拍、时髦的贝斯线、别致的吉他和充满活力的琴键。
This collection features over 80 ‘Combi and Filter Loops’ processed with high-end outboard gear and Yamaha CS-5 synths, offering instant inspiration for any mix. It includes a rich array of sounds like pumping drums, evocative basses, funky guitar riffs, animated synths, and captivating vocoder loops—perfect for house, synthwave, nu-disco, and pop.
该系列包含 80 多个使用高端舷外设备和 Yamaha CS-5 合成器处理的“组合和滤波器循环”,为任何混音提供即时灵感。它包含一系列丰富的声音,例如激昂的鼓声、令人回味的贝司、时髦的吉他连复段、动画合成器和迷人的声码器循环,非常适合 house、synthwave、nu-disco 和流行音乐。
Features 特征
- 1.27 GB of 24-bit WAVs
1.27 GB 24 位 WAV
The Tone Foundry Serum Expansion Pack: Melodic TechThe Tone Foundry 血清扩展包:Melodic Tech

Introducing ‘Melodic Tech for Serum,’ a dynamic and innovative preset pack that encapsulates the essence of modern techno and house. Seamlessly merging moody melodics, rhythmic sequences, and textured synths, this collection offers a fresh and captivating take on the genre. Hypnotically intriguing and meticulously crafted, ‘Melodic Tech for Serum’ marries the finest elements of deep, mainroom, and tech influences. It delivers harmonious synths, thundering basslines, and a rich palette of sonic textures that form an unyielding foundation for underground groove enthusiasts and aspiring techno and tech-house producers.
隆重推出“Melodic Tech for Serum”,这是一款动态且创新的预设包,囊括了现代 techno 和 house 的精髓。该合集将喜怒无常的旋律、节奏序列和有质感的合成器无缝地融合在一起,为这一流派带来了新鲜而迷人的表现。“Melodic Tech for Serum”具有催眠般的吸引力和精心制作的效果,融合了深层、主房间和技术影响的最佳元素。它提供和谐的合成器、雷鸣般的低音线和丰富的声音纹理,为地下音乐爱好者和有抱负的 techno 和 tech-house 制作人奠定了坚实的基础。
Features 特征
- 50x Presets for Xfer Serum
Xfer 血清的 50 个预设 - 50x Bonus Wavs 50x 奖励波形
AudioThing Things – TextureAudioThing 事物 – 纹理

Texture is the first in the Things series of plugins, focusing on sound design and creativity. This intuitive granular reverb offers pitch shifting and mid/side mode, allowing users to transform any sound into ambient soundscapes or drones. Inspired by the sound design techniques of the indie game The Swapper, Texture applies the granular effect to the Side channel of a stereo signal, enhancing stereo width while maintaining the reverb on both Mid and Side channels. This results in a rich, spacious sound that can elevate any track.
Texture 是 Things 系列插件中的第一个,专注于声音设计和创造力。这种直观的颗粒混响提供变调和中/侧模式,允许用户将任何声音转换为环境音景或无人机。受到独立游戏 The Swapper 声音设计技术的启发,Texture 将颗粒效果应用于立体声信号的侧声道,增强立体声宽度,同时保持中声道和侧声道的混响。这会产生丰富、宽敞的声音,可以提升任何音轨的音质。
Features 特征
- Granulator + Reverb 造粒机 + 混响
- Mid/Side Operation 中/侧操作
- Granular Pitch Shifting 粒度变调
United Plugins Plamen 联合插件 Plamen

Plamen by United Plugins is a versatile multi-band saturator that enhances audio by applying different types and amounts of saturation to five adjustable frequency bands, allowing for a balanced and vibrant sound. This plugin excels in targeted enhancement, making it ideal for emphasizing specific elements in a mix, from adding warmth to bass frequencies to introducing sparkle in the highs. With user-friendly controls for saturation type, gain, and output, Plamen provides a wealth of creative possibilities for producers and sound designers alike, while its high-quality processing ensures professional results.
United Plugins 的 Plamen 是一款多功能多频段饱和器,通过将不同类型和饱和度应用到五个可调节频段来增强音频,从而实现平衡且充满活力的声音。该插件擅长有针对性的增强,使其成为强调混音中特定元素的理想选择,从增加低音频率的温暖到在高音中引入闪光。Plamen 具有用户友好的饱和度类型、增益和输出控制功能,为制作人和声音设计师等提供了丰富的创作可能性,同时其高质量的处理确保了专业的效果。
Features 特征
- Five Adjustable Frequency Bands: Apply different saturation to each band for a balanced tone.
五个可调节频段:对每个频段应用不同的饱和度以获得平衡的音调。 - Five Types of Saturation: Choose from three classic analog preamp types, tape saturation, or clipping.
五种饱和度类型:从三种经典的模拟前置放大器类型、磁带饱和度或削波中进行选择。 - Tape Wow Effect: Adds vintage flutter to the overall sound.
Tape Wow Effect :为整体声音添加复古颤动。 - Flexible Crossover: Four customizable crossover points with Linear phase or Analog modes.
灵活的分频点:四个可定制的分频点,具有线性相位或模拟模式。 - Solo/Mute Functionality: Easily check the impact of individual bands.
独奏/静音功能:轻松检查各个频段的影响。 - Oversampling Options: 2x, 4x, and 8x oversampling for pristine audio quality.
过采样选项:2x、4x 和 8x 过采样,以获得原始音频质量。
MeldaProduction MWobbler MeldaProduction MWobler

MWobbler is a versatile distorting filter originally crafted for creating dubstep wobbling basses, now perfect for a variety of audio materials, including rhythmic pads and drum-driven basses. Featuring two processors and 98 unique filter types, MWobbler offers advanced modulation options with integrated LFO and level follower capabilities. You can also control filters using side-chain input, making it a powerful tool for sound design.
MWobbler 是一款多功能失真滤波器,最初是为创建回响贝斯摆动贝斯而设计的,现在非常适合各种音频材料,包括节奏垫和鼓驱动贝斯。MWobbler 具有两个处理器和 98 种独特的滤波器类型,提供具有集成 LFO 和电平跟随器功能的高级调制选项。您还可以使用侧链输入控制滤波器,使其成为声音设计的强大工具。
Features 特征
- Dual Processors: Two sets of filters with 98 types (low-pass, high-pass, comb, etc.).
双处理器:两组滤波器,98 种类型(低通、高通、梳状等)。 - Integrated Modulators: LFO and level follower with adjustable EQ for dynamic sound shaping.
集成调制器:LFO 和电平跟随器,具有可调节 EQ,可实现动态声音塑造。 - Extensive Modulation Options: Modulate parameters with LFOs, audio level followers, and more.
广泛的调制选项:使用 LFO、音频电平跟随器等调制参数。 - User-Friendly Interface: Stylable, resizable, and GPU accelerated with dual modes for beginners and pros.
用户友好的界面:可设计样式、调整大小、GPU 加速,具有双重模式,适合初学者和专业人士。 - Versatile Processing: Tube saturation, M/S processing, and support for up to 8 channels.
多功能处理:管饱和、M/S 处理,并支持多达 8 个通道。 - Smart Randomization: Easily generate new sounds with randomization features.
智能随机化:通过随机化功能轻松生成新的声音。 - Automatic Gain Compensation: Ensures balanced output levels.
W.A. Production Screamo

Screamo is a groundbreaking plugin that combines talk-box and screamer effects in one intuitive interface. It simplifies complex audio routing by incorporating a dedicated waveform shaper to modulate resonant filters, distortion, and gain, allowing for dynamic bass lines and synths that “scream” with rhythmic overdrive.
Screamo 是一款突破性的插件,它将对话盒和尖叫器效果结合在一个直观的界面中。它通过合并专用波形整形器来调制谐振滤波器、失真和增益,从而简化了复杂的音频路由,从而允许动态低音线和合成器通过有节奏的过载“尖叫”。
Features 特征
- Smear Effect: Two resonant shelving filters create talk-box-like effects or intense screamer sounds with three modulation styles: upward, downward, or two-way.
涂抹效果:两个共振搁置滤波器可产生类似谈话盒的效果或强烈的尖叫声,具有三种调制方式:向上、向下或双向。 - Drive Control: Adjusts from subtle saturation to extreme overdrive with soft, medium, and hard distortion modes.
驱动控制:通过软、中、硬失真模式从微妙的饱和度调整到极端的过载。 - Sync Capabilities: Smear, Drive, and Makeup controls are tempo-synced for easy creation of complex effects.
同步功能:涂抹、驱动和化妆控件速度同步,可轻松创建复杂效果。 - Custom Waveform Design: Shape your sound with adjustable Shape, Speed, and Smooth dials.
Karanyi Sounds Poly Space卡兰伊声音保利空间

Poly Space is a high-quality ambient reverb plugin designed to create lush, immersive soundscapes with just two intuitive controls. Magnitude adjusts the reverb from gentle to epic, while Longitude extends the sound duration for slow-motion effects.
Poly Space 是一款高品质环境混响插件,旨在通过两个直观的控件创建丰富、身临其境的音景。幅度将混响从柔和调整为史诗,而经度则延长慢动作效果的声音持续时间。
Features 特征
- Versatile Algorithms: Over 50 custom algorithms and sampled vintage hardware reverbs for unique sonic textures.
多功能算法:超过 50 种自定义算法和采样老式硬件混响,可实现独特的声音纹理。 - Preset Options: 30+ factory and artist presets for quick sound design.
预设选项:30 多个工厂和艺术家预设,用于快速声音设计。 - Smart Randomization: Generate exciting variations instantly with the Smart Random button.
Ghost Syndicate REMEDY: Drum & Bass幽灵辛迪加补救措施:鼓和贝斯

Dive into REMEDY by Ghost Syndicate, your essential toolkit for innovative minimal drum & bass. This collection features high-energy drum loops and precise one-shots, alongside bespoke Xfer Serum presets for powerful basslines and captivating synths.
深入研究 Ghost Syndicate 的 REMEDY,这是您创新的简约鼓和贝斯的必备工具包。该合集具有高能量的鼓循环和精确的单音,以及定制的 Xfer Serum 预设,可实现强大的低音线和迷人的合成器。
Features 特征
- Content Size: 459 MB
内容大小:459 MB - Loops & One-Shots: 30 bass loops, 30 drum loops, 25 melodic combi loops, 30 top loops, plus various one-shots.
Loops & One-Shots :30 个低音循环、30 个鼓循环、25 个旋律组合循环、30 个顶部循环以及各种 One-Shot。 - FX: 21 sound effects, 15 bonus drum loops.
FX :21 种音效,15 个奖励鼓循环。 - Presets: 65 Xfer Serum presets for rich sound design.
预设:65 个 Xfer Serum 预设,可实现丰富的声音设计。 - MIDI Files: 25 MIDI files for flexible arrangement.
MIDI 文件:25 个 MIDI 文件,可灵活排列。 - Additional: 1 Ableton Live drum rack included.
附加:包括 1 个 Ableton Live 鼓架。
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