第 70 届MPSE金卷轴声音奖提名名单——电影类

第 70 届MPSE年度金卷轴奖提名已于昨晚公布!值得一提的是,今年MPSE新增加了一大类奖项——音乐声音编辑(剪辑)。

获奖名单将于 2023 年2月26日在洛杉矶威尔希尔埃贝尔剧院公布。
正如之前宣布的那样,汤姆·克鲁斯将把MPSE电影人奖颁给杰瑞·布鲁克海默。MPSE职业终身成就奖将颁发给Gwendolyn Yates Whittle MPSE。
《瞬息全宇宙》(Everything Everywhere All At Instant)以三项金卷轴奖提名领先,分别为最佳电影-对白/ADR编辑杰出成就和最佳电影-音乐编辑杰出成就,最佳电影-音效/拟音杰出成就等最重要的奖项。

Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing
Feature Dialogue / ADR

伊尼舍林的报丧女妖The Banshees of Inisherin
Searchlight Pictures
Supervising Sound Editors(声音总监):Joakim Sundström
Supervising ADR Editing(ADR总监):Simon Chase
Sound Effects Editor(音效编辑):Adam Cioffi
Dialogue Editor(对白编辑):Anna Adams
Supervising Foley Editor(拟音总监):Rebecca GloverFoley Artist(拟音师):Julien Naudin

新蝙蝠侠The Batman
Warner Bros. Pictures
Supervising Sound Editors: Douglas Murray MPSE, William Files MPSE
Dialogue Editor: Jacob Riehle
ADR Editors: Bobbi Banks MPSE, David V. Butler

Warner Bros. Pictures
Supervising Sound Editor: Wayne Pashley MPSE
Supervising Dialogue Editor: Derryn Pasquill
ADR Supervisor: Libby Villa
Dialogue Editors: Nick Breslin, Marisa Marsionis, Lauren Ligovich

光之帝国Empire of Light
Searchlight Pictures
Supervising Sound Editors: Oliver Tarney MPSE, Rachael Tate MPSE

瞬息全宇宙Everything Everywhere All At Once
Supervising Sound Editor: Brent Kiser MPSE

壮志凌云2:独行侠Top Gun: Maverick
Supervising Sound Editors: Bjørn Ole Schroeder, James Mather, Al Nelson
Dialogue Editor: Chris Gridley
Dialogue Editors: Simon Chase, Matthew Hartman, Michael Maroussas, Gwendolyn Yates Whittle MPSE
ADR Editor: Gwendolyn Yates Whittle MPSE
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing
Feature Effects / Foley

阿凡达:水之道Avatar: The Way of Water
20th Century Studios
Supervising Sound Editors(声音总监):Christopher Boyes
Sound Designer(声音设计师):David Chrastka, Dave Whitehead MPSE, Christopher Boyes
Supervising Effects Editor(音效总监):Brent Burge
Sound Effects Editor(音效编辑):Hayden Collow, Matt Stutter MPSE
Foley Editor(拟音编辑):Craig Tomlinson, Dee Selby
Foley Artist(拟音师):Dan O’Connell, John Cucci MPSE

新蝙蝠侠The Batman
Warner Bros. Pictures
Supervising Sound Editors: Will Files MPSE, Douglas Murray MPSE
Sound Designers: Chris Terhune, Lee Gilmore MPSE, Craig Henighan MPSE
Sound Effects Editor: Diego Perez MPSE, Phil Barrie

瞬息全宇宙Everything Everywhere All At Once
Supervising Sound Editor: Brent Kiser MPSE

侏罗纪世界3Jurassic World: Dominion
Universal Pictures
Supervising Sound Editors: Al Nelson, Gwendolyn Yates Whittle MPSE
Sound Designers: Pete Horner, Gary Rydstrom MPSE
Sound Effects Editors: Stuart McCowan, Benjamin A. Burtt, Scott Guitteau, Qianbaihui Yang MPSE
Supervising Foley Editor: Luke Dunn Gielmuda
Foley Editor: Coya Elliott
Foley Artists: Jana Vance, Ronni Brown

Universal Pictures
Supervising Sound Editor: Johnnie Burn MPSE
Sound Effects Editors: Simon Carroll, Brendan Feeney, Max Behrens, Ben Gulvin, Jeff Smith, Beresford Cookman
Foley Editors: Natalia Lubowiecka MPSE, Ewa Mazurkiewicz
Foley Artist: Jacek Wisniewski

壮志凌云2:独行侠Top Gun: Maverick
Supervising Sound Editors: Al Nelson, James Mather, Bjørn Ole Schroeder
Sound Designers: Christopher Boyes, Jed Loughran
Sound Effects Editors: Benjamin A. Burtt, Scott Guitteau, Rowan Watson, Qianbaihui Yang MPSE
Supervising Foley Editor: Luke Dunn Gielmuda
Foley Editors: Dmitri Makarov, David Mackie
Foley Artists: Jana Vance, Ronni Brown, John Roesch MPSE, Shelley Roden MPSE
Outstanding Achievement in Musice Editing
Feature Motion Picture

Warner Bros. Pictures
Supervising Music Editor(音乐总监):Jamieson Shaw MPSE
Music Editor(音乐编辑): Evan McHugh
Scoring Editor: Chris Barrett

瞬息全宇宙Everything Everywhere All At Once
Music Editors: Dean Menta, Luke Wilder, Katherine Gordon Miller

吉尔莫·德尔·托罗的匹诺曹Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio
Music Editors: Lewis Morison, Eric Caudieux
Scoring Editor: Chris Barret

Focus Features
Supervising Music Editor: Gerard McCann MPSE

与爱共舞Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody
TriStar Pictures
Supervising Music Editor: John Warhurst
Supervising Sound Editor: Nina Hartstone
Music Editors: James Shirley, Victor Chaga
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing
Foreign Language Feature

西线无战事All Quiet on the Western Front
Supervising Sound Editors(声音总监):Frank Kruse
Sound Designer(声音设计师):Markus Stemler
Supervising Dialogue Edito(对白总监):Alexander Buck
Supervising ADR Editors(ADR总监):Benjamin Hörbe, Alexander Buck
ADR Editors(ADR编辑):Thomas Kalbér, Moritz Hoffmeister
Foley Editor(拟音编辑):Kuen Il Song
Foley Artist(拟音师):Carsten Richter, Daniel Weis

阿根廷 1985Argentina, 1985
Supervising Sound Editor: Santiago Fumagalli
Sound Effects Editors: Juan Ignacio Giobio, Nahuel De Camillis
Dialogue Editor: Ignacio Seligra
Foley Editor: Nicolás Mannara
Foley Artist: Diego Marcone
Music Editor: Stephen M. Davis

诗人Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths
Supervising Sound Editors: Martín Hernández, Nicolas Becker
Sound Designer: Ken Yasumoto
Sound Effects Editors: Alejandro Quevedo, Jaime Sainz, Carolina Santana
Dialogue Editors: Valeria López Mancheva, Raynier Hinojosa, Omar Blanco
ADR Editors: Alitzel Diaz, Daniel Douglass MPSE
Foley Editors: Oscar Victoria, Pietu Korhonen, Alan Romero
Foley Artists: Heikki Kossi MPSE, Alan Romero

Janus Films
Supervising Sound Editor: Radoslaw Ochnio MPSE
Sound Designer: Radoslaw Ochnio MPSE
Sound Editor: Marta Weronika Weronska
Foley Editor: Suraj Bardia MPSE

夏日细语The Quiet Girl
Break Out Pictures
Supervising Sound Editor: Steve Fanagan MPSE
Sound Designer: Steve Fanagan MPSE
Sound Effects Editor: Steve Fanagan MPSE
Dialogue Editor: Louise Burton MPSE
ADR Editor: Louise Burton MPSE
Foley Editor: Steve Fanagan MPSE
Foley Artist: Caoimhe Doyle

悲情三角Triangle of Sadness
Imperative Entertainment
Sound Editors: Andreas Franck MPSE, Bent Holm MPSE, Gustav Landbecker, Johannes Dekko, Claes Lundberg, Benny Persson, Daniel Lindvik, Alexander Wunsch, Erik Watland
Sound Designers: Andreas Franck MPSE, Bent Holm MPSE
Foley Artists: Claes Lunderberg, Ulf Olausson
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing
Non-theatrical Feature

匹诺曹 Pinocchio
Supervising Sound Editors(声音总监):Bjørn O. Schroeder, Leff Lefferts
Sound Designer(声音设计师):Randy Thom MPSE
Sound Effects Editor(音效编辑):Malcolm Fife, Pascal Garneau, Teresa Eckton MPSE, Goeun Everett MPSE
Dialogue Editor(对白编辑):James Spencer
Supervising Foley Editor(拟音总监):Christopher Manning
Foley Editor(拟音编辑):Chris Frazier, Dee Shelby
Foley Artist(拟音师):John Roesch MPSE, Shelley Roden MPSE

铁血战士:猎物 Prey
Supervising Sound Editors: Chris Terhune, Will Files MPSE
Sound Designer: James Miller
Sound Effects Editors: Christopher Bonis, Diego Perez MPSE, Lee Gilmore MPSE
Supervising Dialogue Editor: Jessie Anne Spence MPSE
Dialogue Editors: David Bach, Korey Pereira MPSE
Supervising Foley Editor: Annie Taylor
Foley Editors: Nick Seaman, Roni Pillischer
Foley Artists: Leslie Bloome, Shaun Brennan

Weird: The Al Yankovic Story
Supervising Sound Editor: Anthony Vanchure
Sound Designer: Mike James Gallagher
Foley Artists: Sanaa Kelley MPSE, Iris Dutour, Luke Kelley

Women of the Movement
Supervising Sound Editor: Bobbi Banks MPSE
Sound Effects Editor: Nancy MacCleod
Dialogue Editor: Fred Stahly
Foley Artist: Sanaa Kelly MPSE